
Lee was a devoted family man. He was a loving husband; nurturing parent and involved grandpa. Some examples of this include

  • Every year on their anniversary, Lee presented Patty with a letter expressing his love to her
    • During Lee’s stay in hospice, they would read some of these letters to one another
    • Since Lee’s death, Patty has gotten into a habit of reading a letter a night as a nice reminder of their lives together

Lee talked about his father often, and it was his dad’s love of prose that stirred that love of words in Lee.

  • At Lee’s request, his dad sent over a Bible with key selections highlighted. If memory serves, his dad’s comment at the end of the Old Testament was something along the lines of — this gives you an idea, now you can take over! 🙂
  • Lee talked about the hurt when his dad and mom separated and his joy when they got back together
  • Lee was calling “Dad, oh Dad” in his closing days, perhaps a foretaste of his heavenly entry?

His wife Patty remembers this about Lee

His children remember this about their dad…

Lee’s commentary on “How To Be A Better Father”